
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

How to store large tissue paper

Storing large tissue paper
Tissue paper is one of my staples. I use it to stuff pretty gift bags, wrap my etsy sales up in it, make giant pom poms with it, print photos on it, you name it.

Tissue paper can be surprisingly pricey though and in those little packages they only give you like 5 pieces for $4.00. Come on. 

That's why I look forward to the holiday season when Costco sells the jumbo monster-sized package of tissue paper. Since it's only around during the holidays, I make sure I stock up.

If you're like me and don't have a lot of extra storage space because you've already taken over the house with all your sewing and crafting supplies, it's hard to know where to heave that hippo-sized package of tissue. In a moment of crafting clarity, I found a solution.

Have a large sized cereal box? That's all you need. Minus the cereal. Of course.

Use cereal box or cardboard to large tissue paper storage

FIRST Open up all sealed edges of your largest cereal box. I used a jumbo box of Cheerios from Costco. Everything is jumbo there. 

SECOND Lay out your tissue paper and cut your cereal box in half, length-wise, with the length as long as the tissue and the width not wider than the original tissue bag. You will use both pieces of your cereal box.

Use cardboard sleeve for support when storing tissue paper

THIRD Sandwich the mass of folded tissue paper in-between the pieces of cardboard and slide carefully back in the original bag. It slides in pretty easily with the underside piece of cardboard in a bit farther than your tissue. 

Slide tissue into original bag with cereal box cardboard sleeves

FOURTH Stand it up and store it! See how nice and straight it stands so you won't crinkle it all up by shoving it in the closet or under the bed? I know you wouldn't have done that.

Stand large tissue paper to store with cardboard support

It's even skinny enough and now protected enough, to squeeze it in whatever nook and cranny you have left. What do you know? My very last cranny.

Store large tissue paper even in tight spaces

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  1. Clever idea and written in a manner that gave me a giggle with my morning tea. :) I wonder what the Aussie equivalent is to costco?...

    1. Hi Dee - thanks so much for your comment. Do you have any large warehouse-type stores that sell in bulk? That's pretty much what Costco is with a few extra perks. It's really popular here. Thanks so much for stopping by! :)


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