
Monday, February 25, 2013

Paper Roses: the easy way!

make easy paper roses diyI meant to post this around Valentine's Day, but since it's still February, it counts. Technically. Right?

For Valentine's Day, instead of spending money on a rose for my husband, I made him one out of rosey red paper. Because frankly, I knew he would appreciate the gesture, but let's be real {insert cartoon thought bubble}"Thanks, but you could have just saved the $6. It's going to die anyway". Am I right ladies?

In our going on 8 years of marriage, I've realized he gets a thrill out of a gift even more when I tell him how much I saved on it. hahaha We're both cheap frugal that way.

This pretty paper rose was so easy to make, I may never spend another $6 on a single rose again. (I think I just heard every man across the globe cheer)

I used * red & pink accent cardstock for the bloom, and a *wooden chop stick wrapped in green cardstock for the stem.

For my first paper rose, I think it turned out just lovely.

diy paper roses easy tutorial

Interested in making your own lovely little paper rose? 

They aren't just for Valentine's Day you know.

I found this pretty lamp shade decorated with paper roses from Better Homes and Gardens. Oh so pretty.

decorate with paper roses
{image from BHG}

Here's an ideal tutorial for making paper roses, from Paper & Stitch, with perfect step-by-steps and how to's.

Oh, the possibilities!

*affiliate links included for your convenience. As an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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Monday, February 18, 2013

Ink Blot Baby Clothing: unique onesies for squeezy babies

Buy unique baby gift: ink blot onesies from Shannon Sorensen Designs
I love this little boy.
That face!
Those eyes!
Those rolls!

My darling nephew Drake is sporting his own personal, one-of-a-kind Ink Blot Onesie, made just for him. 

His mom picked out the fabric paint color. My hands swirled out the design.

And it just so happened, the design came out like a motorcycle riding dude. Looks like this little boy may love to ride motorcycles like his daddy. 

*See how the "biker dude" was made

Spring is on the horizon, and soon mommies everywhere will be pulling out there little short-sleeved onesies.

Who can resist a chubby baby in a cute little onesie? Sigh. 

Personal baby gift ideas from Shannon Sorensen Designs

Personal, unique baby gifts: decorated ink blot onesies

Looking for a unique baby shower gift?

Ink Blot Onesies make the perfect baby shower gift for a new mom. You can choose from pre-made one-of-a-kind designs or request to have it personally made just for you by choosing your own paint colors. Irresistibly cute for your baby or someone else's baby with deliciously nommy thighs.

Buy baby onesies with pre-made ink blot designs or choose your own colors

Ink Blot Onesie Design Kits are also a really fun baby shower activity. After the party is over, she'll have loads to choose from!

I was so spoiled this weekend. Drake came to visit. He's the sweetest little guy ever! Auntie loves you!xo

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Monday, February 11, 2013

Keep Bookends from Sliding: simple fix

how to stop bookends from sliding In honor of tackling my new year's resolutions head-on, I decided it's time to jump on all those,"I've been meaning to fix that"  projects and get to it!

If I had a quarter for every time this cheap metal bookend slid. Yes, I'd be dining with Beyonce'.

Do you have sliding bookends of your own that need a little help doing their job?

How to fix slipping bookends

(*Amazon Affiliate links included)


Lay the rubber shelf liner over the bottom of the bookend, trace it and cut it out or just cut as you hold it.

prevent bookends from sliding by adhering a piece of rubber shelf liner

In a well-ventilated area, spray the bottom of the bookend with adhesive spray, and with a steady hand, put the piece of cut rubber shelf liner in place. It will stay put, so one try is all you get!
stop bookends from slipping with rubber shelf liner

Since it dries in seconds, your new and improved NON-sliding bookend is ready to use! It work perfectly! It snuggled right up next to my files and didn't budge. Perfect! Problem solved.

Easy fix to stop sliding bookends.

I love being able to check something off my list that takes such little time. And so little effort. ha!

On to my next project!
Look out 2013! I'm on a roll!

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Monday, February 4, 2013

Rockin' the ukulele and other new year resolutions

goal to grow my etsy business

Every December I make goals for the coming year. Often times, however, as the last minutes of the old year tick by, I rush into making promises I'll never keep or end up with a hurried list of half-hearted commitments.

This time around, I decided to be thoughtful about my decisions and really think about what I want to accomplish in 2013. And so, better late than never, here are a few things from my list for 2013. Under each heading, I'll be able to make weekly or monthly goals....or put them all off until December.

ONE  ~   :: Grow my Etsy Business ::

I love my little etsy shop. It's something I put my heart into. During life's ups and downs this past year, it seems I lost my vision. My creative spark dimmed a bit. But this is the time to get it back. 
♥ Focus my business
♥ Create new items
♥ Study trends, branding, marketing
♥ Streamline taxes and record keeping system
♥ Organize shipping process and supplies
♥ Take chances
♥ Stay true to myself

TWO  ~   :: Bring more of Myself to my Blog ::

I get so caught up in the "rules" of blogging (blog relevant material; make each post count; follow seo rules;  blah, blah, blah) that sometimes I forget why I stared blogging in the first place. I love connecting with and learning from other people who share similar interests. Why not go deeper? It may help someone else in the process.
♥ Share more day to day
♥ Share experiences about job loss, struggles with infertility, and other personal stories
♥ Continue sharing fun crafting and sewing projects

THREE  ~   :: Get Organized ::

For the most part, I'm an organized person. I like containers. I like labels. I fold my matching socks together.
But I've heard it said, your home's order/chaos is a reflection of how you feel. Amid changes in my husband's career, I feel myself leaning to chaos. I'm letting things slip. I forgot to buy more toilet paper. I'm eating everything and a bag of chips. It's time to refocus, stay on top of things and maintain order.
♥ Get caught up on projects (couponing, bill paying, organizing, sewing, email)
♥ Plan weekly meals and shopping trips
♥ Create a "place" for everything & put everything in its place (think Kindergarten)
♥ Get rid of excess (go through storage/cupboards/closets)

FOUR  ~   :: Learn to play the Ukulele ::

Why not throw in a fun one?! Isn't there just something so relaxing and carefree about ukulele music? Takes me back to Maui. Best summer of my life. I want to bring some of that island spirit to Seattle. I learned to play the guitar many years ago, and with even fewer strings, I'm hoping this old dog can learn new tricks!

FIVE  ~   :: Take better care of myself ::
Of course I'm not going to make a new year's resolution to lose weight. Been there. Done that.
Exhibit A - 1990 "diet" - drinking slim fast while simultaneously downing monster-sized Costco poppy seed muffins. Lose weight? Not so much. It makes so much more sense to me just to make better choices. Or so I tell myself.
♥ Take vitamin D daily (we need it here in Seattle, believe me)
♥ Take multi-vitamin
♥ Move more
♥ Try to go to bed earlier
♥ Make better food choices

Wish me luck! I better get started. Now I only have 11 months to get it all done!

▶▶Did you make any goals for the new year? How's it going for you so far?

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