What better way to start my day than to find I've been given the One Lovely Blog Award from Krista, at Thar She Sews. Not a bad way to start a Wednesday. Thanks Krista!

Anywho, here's my feeble attempt at sharing a little about me with you, my circle of friends.
1. I've always secretly wanted to be a meteorologist. Without the math, of course. During graduate school I audited a meteorology class so I could learn more about weather. I'm crazy about clouds, rain, storms, tornadoes, storm chasing...I own many weather videos and books. I'm a weather nerd.
2. I studied Family and Human Development in college and graduate school. My intention was to be a counselor. However, after getting a job with an elementary school, I realized how much I loved working with elementary school children. I work for an after school program right now, but may look into getting a certification to be a reading specialist.
3. I love cupcakes. All kinds. Don't even get me started.
4. I wish I had a house full of children. Unfortunately, after several years of unsuccessful medical interventions, it hasn't worked out that way. But I'll tell you this. It sure makes me grateful I get to spend life with my sweet husband and fun times being an auntie.
5. I finally started texting a few months ago. haha I know, I'm a little behind the times. I'm not as cool as those with iphones, but my new phone does have a flip-out keyboard. And I'm not afraid to use it!
6. I love writing songs and music. I've been doing it all my life but have finally gotten the courage to put them out there. You can listen here if you're curious (the vocals aren't me, just the music).
7. I watch the Bachelorette. haha I know it's total cheese wiz, but I'm a sucker for that sort of stuff. Each time a new season starts I tell myself I'm not going to watch it but it's inevitable that I get sucked in. Every time.
Whew! Now you know more than you ever dreamed of knowing about me! But isn't oversharing what the internet is all about? haha. Anyway, moving on.
Now, my favorite part. I get to pass on the love to new bloggers I've found recently, that I'd like to know more about:
Drum roll please...
These lucky 10 can put a copy of the One Lovely Blog Award picture on their blog, with a list of 7 things we don't know about them and pass the love on! Can't wait to hear from them! :)